Wednesday, March 02, 2005


We're all trying to get back into a daily rhythm here after having lost poor old Doogie. Charlie still seems lost without another dog to boss around. Thanks to everyone who sent condolence comments about Doogie's passing. He was a good old frog dog, and we miss him.

I need to take more time to miss Doogie and to catch up on a lot of missed sleep, but I sent word to my friend Gill in Wales that I'd like to import one of her puppies when I'm ready. Gill breeds from the same nice old lines that Duncan's and Doogie's father came from, and I really like her dogs' temperaments. If buying a puppy from her means that I get to go visit her on Anglesey again, so much the better.

Just received word at work today that we all have a compulsory workshop to attend in Newark, CA, during the third week of March. I've opted for the Thursday-Friday session (24th-25th) if I can get it, and maybe with a Saturday night stay. Greg has an organist gig on Easter Sunday, so he wouldn't be able to come this time. We'll go to San Francisco together some other time. (He was born there, and wants to show me his childhood haunts.)

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