Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sound the Trumpets!

Well, okay, maybe a kazoo or two. It's just that these socks have been on the needles for so many months that I wasn't sure I'd ever get to the point where I could announce they were done.

These are the now-famous (if only for their longevity in my list of works in progress) K1C2 Crock-o-Dye socks in the Grape colorway, using the Yankee Knitter "Classic Socks for the Whole Family" pattern. They're lovely close up, and quite soft. I can't wait to put them on!

If you haven't tried Crock-o-Dye, you should. The hint of silk in the yarn results in lovely color variation, and I saw no pooling or any other unwanted effects. The only thing I'd advise is to be a little careful while knitting this yarn -- it splits easily, and the plies are more loosely wound than they appear. This can create a few looser-looking stitches at edges unless you're vigilant.

I had spinal surgery in mid-February, and was forbidden to use the computer for the first few weeks of recovery. Even now, I can only use one for a few hours per day, or my muscles will start screaming at me. I can't drive, can't work (boo hoo), can't lift stuff, can't sit in the hot tub... I've filled in the time with (you guessed it) knitting! I've finished these socks, started another pair, and have the first cuff of a third pair in the wings. I also wound the yarn for a fourth pair last night. At least I can claim to be productive in one area of life these days.

In spite of my stay-at-home status, Fran and I attended the NETA Spa Knit-and-Spin event in Freeport a couple of weekends ago. We had a good time -- stayed in a nearby hotel, had a chance to hold court in the hotel lobby with a nice random bunch of other knitters, and had some great food at a couple of local restaurants. We were both very bad in the vendor area (I was very, very bad) - but that's what going to SPA is for. I like to sample the yarn offerings from local spinners and dyers -- and I've finally grown picky enough so I can leave anything I don't absolutely love. If I can't throw it in the washer, I might still buy it -- but not with the same enthusiasm I'll show for an equally lovely superwash.

I haven't forgotten about the long story of Why My Birthday Sucked Donkey Dong, but that's a tale for another time.

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